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Wk 5: Logo

How to define me? I hardly find a single world that is able to completely categorize myself into and more importantly, I would rather be unlabeled and undefined. Without any label on me, I feel like my future is quite open and full of opportunities. Be boundless!

I use my initial “X” and “Z” as the fundamental elements to construct my logo. I think these two letters represent my identity but do not label any specific characteristics on me.

sketch of logos

In the first two rows of my sketch, I tried to combine two letters together with the stem of the letter “Z”. When people see the logo at the first sight, the pattern “Z” is easier to be recognized. But later, I decided to emphasize on letter “X”, which contains uncertainty, unknown and infinite possibilities itself. Since both letters “X” and “Z” are not curved based, I tried a lot of patterns that align with the grids. Consequently, the third one on row three went to the top of my list among this grids-aligned type of logos. I tried different scales of this combination, and finally decides on the one below which fits in a 3 by 4 rectangle instead of a 1 by 1 square.

logo version 1 with sharp corners

I rounded the corner to make it look more modern.

logo version 1 with round corners

By playing with curves, I came up with some interesting patterns on the bottom. I hollowed out the three circles in a line because they also represent ellipsis, which can be interpreted as I am a person with various sides. Yet, after I applied this ellipsis idea into practice, I found it was not beautiful. Instead of lining three dots, I put one aside to make “X” look more dynamic.

logo version 2

I expect my logo to look formal but not too serious. I want to add some brisk vibe to it so I select this shade of blue. The color palette I chose also includes two essential colors white and black, which make the logo looks clean and elegant.

color palette